Yeastie Boys have a new beer range out called the Spoonbender series. It has taken me a while to realise this but Yeastie Boys thing seems to be taking two distinct brewing styles and mashing (like the beer pun?) them together to see what happens. As you have seen that doesn't always work for my pallet but if you are going to be innovators you have to push the boundaries. They also collaborate quite heavily with other people in the industry. If you look at their bottles you will see that they are brewed all over the place. I'm not even sure that they have a brewery of their own to tour?
Anyways, enough digression, there are three beers in the Spoonbender series but I have only tried one, The Sly Persuader. I don't understand the science behind it all, but basically Yeastie Boys have teamed up with Australian winemakers, Some Young Punks, and somehow added the wine to the beer via a candi-sugar. As I said I don't understand what that all means but this isn't supposed to be a science lesson so I won't try to explain any further.
Before moving to the taste I thought the label was worth a mention. Apparently the people depicted on the labels are members of old school photos. There is something slightly haunting about the way that they have been painted. I chose the Sly Persuader, of the three, because he seemed the least intimidating.
All of the above has combined to bring quite a different taste experience. It is still beer, there is yeast and hops there but a sweetness comes through from the wine sugar that just takes it all to another place. The flavours are subtle, not too much of any single one but it still takes a while to come to grips with the whole thing. It is almost like an IPA Radler even though it is a Belgian Blonde Ale.
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