Monday, 25 November 2013

Krausen Hell!

Maybe adding the brew enhancer late wasn't quite as harmless as I first thought. I opened the door to the cupboard to see froth bubbling out of the top of the airlock. I'm pretty sure that isn't supposed to happen. Fortunately the wonders of the internet assured me there was nothing to worry about, it was just Krausen, which is a fancy name for the froth you get on top of beer. At least I know it is working. The advice is to leave it to stop bubbling and then clean up and re-sanitise the air lock. After a few hours I checked it again and it was still bubbling away, with the Krausen blob getting even bigger and beer starting to pool on the top of the barrel. Trusting in the advice I left it to carry on and a few hours later the bubbling had died down quite a bit so I managed to get the airlock out, cleaned up and sanitised and then back in the hole on the top of the barrel. Hopefully that's the last we see of that.

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