Friday, 28 December 2012

Smell's like a brewery in here

Not much to do with the brew other than check on it today. The air lock seems to be bubbling away happily. This had me a bit concerned but my friend Tim (who has a degree in chemistry) tells me that that will be the carbon dioxide finding a way out. As that sounds plausible and he is officially more qualified at science than I am, I am happy to let it keep bubbling. Another concern is that the temperature seems to be going down. The instructions say that it needs to stay between 18 and 30 degrees celcius. It seems to be down around 20 degrees. Still within range but hoping it will warm itself up a bit.

I've also found a nifty white bucket with a lid on to keep my utensils clean and together. Moore Wilsons rules.

Can't do much about the stench though. Unfortunately our laundry seems to be taking on a bit of a beery pong. Once it all warms up I may need to open a window.

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