As it turns out I'm not the only brewer in my family. In fact my brother Carl has been brewing for several months longer than I have. He even brought some out to our parents for everyone to try. This one was a Pilsner which he had brewed in glass bottles, instead of plastic. The trip had shaken up the sediment a bit but I was happy to help him drink it down. The beer itself was quite yellow in colour, but had a decent head on it. It turned out Carl had used table sugar to feed his yeast instead of the brewers mix that you can buy. That meant that the beer was quite sweet and had a stronger aroma to it then a store bought pilsner, almost wine like. You could definitely taste the malt, although it wasn't overpowering. Not much of a sign of hops though, which could have balanced the sweetness quite nicely.
Now if these water restrictions can just come to an end I can put on another brew myself. Had some rain over the weekend and more forecast for this week. Trouble is I know that once the rain comes that will be it for summer again. Sun or beer? What a choice...